Other Efforts

American Burying Beetle (ABB)- Facilitation of Client-funded research project conducted by Oklahoma State University to study effectiveness of ABB trapping. Served as the point of contact between the two entities and collaborated with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department to ensure that permit to conduct research was awarded, allowing Client to continue developing well sites in ABB habitat.

Northern long-eared bat (NLEB)- Analysis of current literature available on the species as well as compilation of relevant facts and information in formal comments submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service during the public comment period for the proposed listing of the NLEB.

Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Document and policy analysis of Camp Lejeune’s endangered species and environmental program to determine any potential and existing impacts on the training mission of the base.

Greater sage-grouse- Conducted a review and assessment of documents (including policy, financial, operational and scientific components) developed by the Colorado Habitat Exchange Working Group and support staff.

Rapid Risk Assessment for Three Mussels - The Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources (IRNR) and NRS, acting on behalf of the Brazos River Authority (BRA), conducted a rapid risk assessment in three separate but related areas related to freshwater mussels in the Brazos River Basin. NRS conducted a policy and technical assessment of the potential implications of the biological status of the Texas fawnsfoot, smooth pimpleback, and false spike.

Lesser Prairie Chicken - In 2012, NRS began a 5-year effort to provide support and expertise to the American Habitat Center for a multi-state hybrid CCAA and HCP and relevant NEPA documents for the lesser prairie-chicken (LEPC).